WASHED OUT - “Waking Up” Solar Eclipse Live Performance
[Music Video] During the Nashville eclipse in 2017 a seed was planted in my mind of one day attempting to shoot a one-take performance video timed to an eclipse. On April 8th in Bandera, Texas that idea finally came to fruition. Right when the clock struck 1:32:01PM we had to begin shooting and if the camera bumped, or a battery wasn’t charged enough, or a terrible gust of wind came there was nothing we could do. Perhaps the largest challenge of all was setting the exposure and balancing the lighting for a frame that we wouldn’t see until 1 minute into the take. Weeks of studying exposure graphs during past eclipses to estimate our exposure settings during totality was just a piece of the puzzle in pulling this shot off.
Nominated for Best Live Video at the U.K. Music Video Awards 2024
Director - @jonahaber
Producer - @carina.mak
Creative Rep / BTS Photo - @cheyennecody
Director Rep - @larkcreative
DP - @adammadrzyk
First AC - @iamjtek
Steadicam Operator - @quaidcdebaca
Grip / Gaffer - Reece Moffatt
Swing - @benveeten
Colourist - @clintonhomuth
Sound Design - @gluch_
Commissioner - @merepaul