EXTRAS? Have you ever wanted to be in a movie? Here’s your chance! We are looking for extras (M or F) aged in their mid-twenties to occupy an office space. (Though if you are younger and look like you're older you'd still be perfect!) Pizza and catering will be provided and all you would need to do is follow simple directions on camera as well as bring your own office appropriate wardrobe for yourself. You'll be credited in the final product!
WHAT'S IT ABOUT? The film, entitled Employee of the Month (working title), is about a nameless assassin that uses a set of high tech tools to carry out transient executions on his victims. With a sophisticated glowing LED suit he transports himself to his victim's location to assassinate them, staging it as an accident so it seems like an act of fate. The suit allows him to remain where he is as well as to manipulate the forces around his victims. It is when he encounters one specific victim that things start to go wrong.
ABOUT THE DIRECTOR: Aidan Tanner is an acclaimed director and cinematographer who has worked on numerous films over the last 5 years. His short film KASM won ‘Best Narrative’ at the TIFF Jump Cuts Film Festival, and he was recently featured on FOX 5 for his short 6563. In addition, Aidan was the cinematographer on a feature length film entitled Impossible Horror (currently in post-production), and was the production manager on the 2015 TIFF Battle of the Scores short film. Employee of the Month will be his biggest project to date.